Performance Management, 规划 & 评价

Performance Management Process

bet8体育娱乐入口的绩效管理流程旨在以公平公正的方式奖励员工的工作贡献. 绩效管理过程是一个年度循环,包括三个阶段:


经理/监事 are required to develop a performance plan for employees.

Phase 2: 监控


Phase 3: 评价


Performance 规划 and 评价

如果您在评估过程中有任何问题或需要任何帮助,请bet8九州登录入口 HR 员工关系.

Performance Review Periods

10月25日- 10月24日: 的 Performance Year for 分类 员工 runs October 25 through the following October 24.

5月1日- 4月30日Performance Year for 美联社教员 is typically 五月 through the following April annually.


  • 规划 -指引指出,业绩规划或目标设定应在业绩周期开始时(5 - 4月)进行. 在5月1日之前设定目标.
  • 监控 -经理/主管应在整个绩效年度(5月1日至4月30日)观察并记录员工绩效的定期反馈.

  • 自我评价 component is highly recommended.
  • 绩效考核会议文件或绩效考核文书必须由评估人签名并注明日期,并明确年度评估期日期为 5月1日到4月30日.
  • 所有完成的文件必须提交给人力资源部存档在员工的官方人事文件夹中.
  • Completed performance evaluations are due by 6月1日 and must be submitted via e-mail to
  • 看到 ITS Remote Computing for printing info and print alternatives for evaluation documents

NOTE TO SUPERVISORS: Please update position descriptions!

支持南方学院和学校协会(SACS)的认证过程, it is requested that AP faculty have current position descriptions on file. 绩效周期的开始是审查和更新职位描述以确保准确反映职责和责任的理想时机.

Position descriptions older than July 1, 2016需要在6月30日前更新并以电子方式提交给HR, 2021. Even if there have been no changes to a position description older than July 1, 2016, 请仍然发送最近起草的职位描述,以表明它仍然是当前的. 请将职位描述上的日期更改为您提交给HR的日期, so the most recent review date appears in the record.

Submit all updated position descriptions to 如果您对职位描述有任何疑问,请联系人力资源部 补偿 & 分类 团队.


  • 计划- - - - - - Due within 30 days of employment for new hires. Due by October 25th annually and should be entered into 论文.
  • 监控- - - - - - 经理/主管应定期观察和记录持续的反馈,并注意在整个绩效年度(10月25日至10月24日)内贡献者的异常或低于贡献者的表现。.


  • 经理/主管被要求对员工的表现进行“杰出贡献者”(EC)评估。,投稿人(C)," or "Below Contributor (BC)" level.
  • Documentation is required for evaluations rated "EC" or "BC."
  • 绩效评估截止日期为每年10月25日,并应填写 论文.


C =贡献者

这一等级是对在整个业绩周期内达到或达到工作职能标准,达到或超过业绩标准的工作的认可. 这一级别的员工正在实现经理概述的核心责任和绩效指标.

的 term "contributor" is intended to convey a sense of commitment, 目的, and obligation that each employee has in contributing to performance, whether it be through individual or 团队 performance. 所有公务员都应该为自己每天和长期所做的“贡献”感到自豪.


这一等级表彰的是在整个业绩周期中取得模范成就的工作,以及在相当程度上持续超过工作职能标准的工作. To be eligible to receive an overall rating of Extraordinary Contributor, an employee must have received at least one documented Acknowledgement of Extraordinary Contribution or Immediate 识别 Form during the rating cycle. 然而, 收到这些表格并不能保证或保证对杰出贡献者的总体评级.

这个等级是对未达到工作职能标准的工作表现的认可. An employee who receives at least one Notice of Improvement Needed/Substandard Performance 表格或书面通知由于任何原因可能会收到低于年度评级贡献者的总体评级. 如果员工在绩效周期内没有收到至少一份“需要改进/不合格绩效表”以及改进计划(改进周期不少于30天或不少于180天),则不能在年度评估中被评为“贡献者以下”.

被评为“贡献不足”的员工必须由主管重新评估,并在评估会议后10个工作日内制定绩效重新评估计划. 员工将在原评估之日起三个月后进行重新评估. 在3个月的重新评估期内,连续请假超过14天的, the period will be extended by the total number of days of absence, including the first 24 days. 如果该员工被重新评估为“贡献不足”,主管应将其降级, 重新分配, or terminate the employee by the end of the 3-month re-evaluation period.


Employee Self-评价

A self-evaluation is not mandatory, but is highly recommended. 主管应鼓励员工提交实质性的自我评估,其中可能包括:

  • Significant accomplishments or contributions this performance cycle;
  • 成功完成日常职责范围以外的新任务或额外职责;
  • 这些因素导致了他们的职业发展这一绩效周期;
  • Challenges faced during the performance cycle;
  • Goals for the upcoming performance cycle.